If you are a web designing student or pursuing Photoshop course in Delhi and want to compress the size of the images you are working with then there is a software application for you to use. It is Adobe Photoshop.
Photoshop is used for editing images and designing the graphics. It is also used for web point of view. It is able to run faultlessly on both Windows as well as MACos. The tools in coming in this software are capable of making cool designs.
Most common features in this software are workspace, layers, smart object, blend modes. Every designer uses these features.
Different versions have been released latest series is CC.
What is the use of save for web in Photoshop
There is an option known as "save for web". This feature allows creating a copy of image that is used for web use. This option makes the image file size smaller and capable for the website uploading.
If any designer creates any content like (photo, ads, banner, etc.) for web use only then he creates the web ready image with the help of this feature. When uploading the images, optimize to download & display in web browser only.
Here is how we use the tool save for web in Photoshop. For image quality, file size, & balance for images.
How to use the feature of save for web?
Author: Hello, I’m Deepanshu, a student at ADMEC, pursuing web design courses in Delhi. I hope this blog is helpful for you.